Lagniappe Genie


Lagniappe Genie

What We Do

We combine actionable content with guaranteed reach to help you deliver EXTRA Value & Rewarding Experiences to your neighbors when they choose to shop and conduct business with you.

We are reviving the old custom of Lagniappe in the Bayou communities, by creating content that helps your neighbors choose you and enjoy EXTRA Value & Rewarding Experiences when they shop where they live.

Why Lagniappe Genie?

The game has changed and we’re here to help turn your location into an appealing Post Pandemic Destination. We give you the techniques and tools to make meaningful connections and keep long-lasting relationships with your neighbors through the power of their smart screens.

Shopping With Phone

How Lagniappe Genie Works

Schedule Your Session

The Process

Putting Lagniappe Genie to work for you is easy!

  1.  Registration
  2.  Verification
  3.  Campaign Creation
  4.  Launch Live
  5. Review Performance
  6.  Analyze Intelligence
  7.  Optimize and Scale

Experience Options

Choose how your neighbors will experience Lagniappe at your Location.


We provide you with a window and the tools to make it easy & convenient for your neighbors to do business with you.


Reach and reward your neighbors when they engage and purchase from your business.


Make your connections with your neighbors even more meaningful and take them on a tiered journey that builds loyalty and generates multiple visits.


We’ll create direct response content with links to the EXTRA experiences you provide that pave a path to purchase at your location.


Activate a dedicated Preferred Guest Line so you can connect and keep long-lasting relationships with your best customers.


Get your message out to more of the right people where they are already active and engaged so you can get the attention your business deserves.

All Hosting Plans can be chosen a la carte or bundled together to customize the journey you wish for your neighbors to experience.

Questions? Ideas? Let's Chat!